robin's website

a fine example of function over form

hello. welcome to the extremely rudimentary website of a person that doesn't know that much html or css.

let's start with what you're here for:

if you're here for my xmpp address, that's (please use omemo)

if you're here for my matrix address, that's (please verify your clients)

if you're here for my fediverse presence, that's

if you're here for my email address, that's

i think that covers all the useful things. now onto the boring part: the part where i talk about myself

i like to call myself robin. i'm agender, which means i use the pronouns they, them, their, they're and theirs. i'm anti-surveillance. i'm pro-freedom (and pro-free software). i have interests in software, hardware, and video games. i'm an anarchist. i tend not to use sentence casing. i usually spend my time talking to people or playing old video games that nobody cares about about.

oh, and here's my neofetch.